NSeX shoot

I just think the mods are tacky, type-r badges, carbon lips, NSX-R rep wing, those weird wheels. Just not my style, no big deal.

Alright, you said you wanted critique; again, I’m not being a dick, just sharing my constructive criticism:

1: Not feeling the angle the car is on or the pole in the background. I would like to see more of the cars wheels at an angle I dont have to tilt my head at. I like the low camera angle and little reflections on the black paint.

2: Pesky pole in the background again, car seems like it would benefit more from the angle of the sun if it was rotated about 45* more so the wheels and side of the car would be lit by the sun.

3: I like the graffiti wall a lot, but I am wondering what the car would look like against the wall and the shot taken as a side profile shot.

4: My favorite of the set. However, the drop in sky is a little too dark compared to the light on the buildings, maybe darken the background more?

5: Do you have the same image with the RAYS cap not cropped and the “Gram Lights” in focus? Or if you were trying to keep the RAYS in focus, not such a tight crop on the center cap?

6: I cant really give you too much crap about this one being that I did a similar angle with Ryans Supra, but if the NSX was moved 2 more feet to the right and the wheel turned to the left with the Nissan still in the background I think it would add more to the shot. Again, I like the low angle and good job of controlling the reflections.

7: Would be seKs if you edited out the chase cars shadow.

8: I’d like to see this one with the two cars behind it following more closely, as if it was taken during a race or street race.

9: No complaints here, showcases the wheels nicely.

10: Building should be a little darker with this drop in sunset. The warm golden tones on the cars quarter panels should be edited to tie the sky in as well.

11: Excellent bokeh, shows the wheels colored lip but I am distracted by the Gram Lights logo.

gettin reallll angry here. i also am not a fan of the mods or wheels, pics do look great though. i like that rolling shot spot

You simmer down. No angry. I would enjoy that car.

Black NSX= sex. I’d just do it up a little differently

geezus i wish you would do this with every shoot i do … would help me out a TON!!! i think you are correct with just about every think you said … alot of the pics i think are just preference … such as the Gram lights logo in number 11 … i have a shot without it but i dont like it as much … and great idea with getting rid of that danm pole … more ideas for next time … and THANKS again

gorgeous car.

it has rainbow colored lips…yea that could be called a little gay. and the nsx’s are not for offroading, this one looks like it could go out to the trails.

I’m going to do my critique before reading KillaBlackBird’s list to be unbiased.

#1. Front end, which is the face of the car is too dark by contrast, needed either a filler flash or external light or even a slight change of angle. There is also something that just doesn’t sit right with me when a car that is stationary has it’s wheels turned, but I know you and KillABird are on the same page with this matter. Finally clear area below a car is never prime real estate, with a camera just a few inches higher the shot IMO would come out much cleaner. Also try to make it force of habit to avoid poles and telephone lines at all costs.

#2. Same thing about under car real estate and telephone poles and lines. Nothing can make a lowered car look more 4x4 then having a clear angle up shot of the underneath of it, which is why your shot #4 is much better perceived. Also shooting on the shadow side of the car one more time without any sort of filler flash.

#3. Again, my personal pet peeve about wheels turned, but obviously the car was in the same position through out all the shots so it’s not intended. However I would strongly suggest getting more variety of angles of the car in the shots as well as changing up the wheel angle, entire shoot could go to hell if one little aspect was off from the start that you overlooked, however changing things up will guarantee at least one money shot from the shoot.

#4. Great reflection, great angle, cocked wheels :tongue , great depth, and your sky editing. Out of curiosity I would love to see this in a virgin shot to compare if the sky editing was a good call or takes a bit away from the picture. You have great editing skills however, sometimes it feels out of place when most of the picture is “life like” and the sky is intense.

#5. Great shot, only thing to critique about is getting the other lugnut into focus as well (the one directly below it on the right).

#6. Cocked wheels on one car, straight on other :banghead . Sky editing is nicely balanced to the rest of the photo in this one. Personally with straight wheels and no other car there it would be a money shot. NSX being BAM in your face focus of the picture, other car in the background being much smaller confuses the eye. If both cars were in the picture close up, or both small the balance would play off well.

Crop the picture vertically to cut the shadow.
Call it a fantastic shot
Profit :excited
(wheels are straight :thumb) :tongue

#8 Sun location and telephone lines and poles hate you. That is all.

#9 Not counting the repeat for breaking the rules of my personal preference, it’s a good shot.

#10 Dark car, dark environment, ooooh loook at the pretty sky.

#11 Great shot

Just my humble opinions and reflections on the shots, take them as you will. You can break each one of my personal rule preferences and have a shot to drool over.

Now I’m going to read KillABirds notes :lol

Edit: Just read them, we agree on a few of them perfectly, and disagree on the low angle entirely :rofl

the nsx and pics are sick man great job. i like the style of wheels but i’m not a fan of the color/rainbow affect, and it needs a drop like everyone else said.

i wish you 2 would do this to every photoshoot i do … i like the low shot … guess its just the photographer and his style … i might re-edit these to help with some of your suggestions … if there is a drop in sky its because the sky i had in there was washed out, so the original on #4 was bad … possibly ill post it … and thanks for all the help guys!!!

No problem.

If we knew from the get-go that you look forward constructive criticism I would have done this for the earlier shots as well.

I just may go through some of them and get some structural commenting going on with them, if you think it will help you.

seems that some of the photo’s just have too much editing for my tastes but not bad.

but mainly the owner of the nsx needs to invest in some damn suspension. that thing is fuckin skyjacker status…

those rims are nice, pics came out sick. love the grifitti and that kouki is so sick!!!

the kouki will have its own post later on in the week …


photos look good though

Nice shots man.

Not digging the wheels for some reason.

Nice shots! I really like #4, but if the building to the left wasn’t there in #10, it would have been a better shot with the sky being that red.

A little off topic… I still want a NA2 someday :’(

Gorgeous car…

I love the wheels but not on that car… I dont think they flow with that car at all unfortunatly…

As do I :number1