JI Run!

Saturday Morning 11am KC!! make sure your there

circle jerk?

lmao… he wants to play soggy biscuit… hahaha

[gay]Oh u silly boys. count me in[/gay]

actually, i got work :frowning:

im gonna make sure i get enough rest so i can contribute a lot to this circle jerk. we need to make sure that theres plenty of tissue paper around. :wink:

hahahha… tissue paper? dont think they will need any or leave anything behind blehhh…nasty

I’m in, im good for a teaspoon lol

I feel kinda awkward…anyone else? lol

Thats sick man…lol
But just to clarify, when you say “good for a teaspoon” is that taking or giving? :S

lol im deff not gay so that would be contributing then ill be on my way lmao

i dont know how this got so out of hand with out him even replying…come on anthony. Alex, i would assume you might be where we are headed off too? no one else is invited :frowning:

i was wondering the same how this got way way way offf and out of control topic.

anyway hope to see you matt tomrrow night at the meet, i should hopfully be there.

i shal be there or square

with some green?

-)now i went off topic. at least not in a gay way like all you other people

it’s funny what 2 simple words can start

Ya ya ill be there for anyone that wants to come we’ll be heading to JI to check out some stuffz :smiley: :R

and also LOCKED