Jillian's closing August 11....

+rep. Put my ass in front of the fire on my patio and get drunk enough to have to crawl into the house with no fucks given.


Lies. :lol



Lmfao Nolannn

I know of all those venues , the dusted is new your right lol . I was just throwing examples out that shot right out . I was 9 in 89 so I didn’t see them yet . Yes when I got really into scene the 8 was a great band but Casey fucked em up as he always did . Was I a fan ? Yeah I was but they deft weren’t my fave one . I loved biohaz , straight jacket , one king down , desciples , etc . I love the brutal shit and not so much the punky sounding genra .

QE2 became a queer bar a while ago- Fuze Box

Funny stuff, yeah Casey and I have been cousins by marriage since we were 12, (1984) I know we’re old. Used to sit at his dads house and listen to the misfits while watching horror movies. Good times…hahaha. I went to school at CBA at the time and would lie to my parents and go down to lark street on Saturdays and hit the all ages matinee at 288 lark. Saw everybody, and I mean uvrybody.

Casey could sing his ass off , but he blue it . I miss shar "o.g qe2 owner " and her semi man punk jimmy lol . Shars apt on lark we Hung at all the time . Hell that’s where I met Casey for the first time outside of a show anyway lol . Great times and great people but the pop/hiphop b.s ended that bullshit fast .


He’s still singing, been playing with the dudes from brawler. Plays some shows now and again, hes living in Saratoga with the white folk right now though. Lol

Exactly! the money you spend just to get in the door and buy one beer you could have had a fucking 6 pack.

Fucking 80’s night was LOADED with hot chicks avoiding straight men there. Good place to meet women if they weren’t acting like a made crazy man hating bitch.

what 2 months are these & have I messed them yet?

Love browns real mellow vs most bars around here some what classy.

i remember valentines when the stage was in the back corner, not on the side wall. many a good one king down shows there lol, in fact thats where i got my first broken nose at a hardcore show. when i was in high school we used to drive up there (45 min from kingston) pound a bombers burrito, pound faces in the pit then drive home and hit the diner.

sad to hear the whole downtown is shuddering up. when i was at suny damn close to 10 years ago now going downtown was always nicer and a little more dress up than student ghetto bars like the post or the branch. idk if they are even open still