Jillian's closing August 11....

On timesunion front page… Someone link article for me, I’m driving.

Check out the pictures from 99 then 2012… Tell me what’s different. It’s a shame that in a few years there’s been 8 bars that closed on pearl street.

This areas turning to shit. It’s sad. Even going out in toga makes you feel like a minority now. There’s more middle eastern people dressing gay as fuck than whites.

Fucking sad if you ask me… Guess when you vote a president like Obama in, this is what you get…

I always hated Jillians. The music was too loud, it was ‘dark’ in there and the food sucked.

What do u guys expect ? Most people that go out r pussies and won’t stand your ground and be ran out . The local band scene was huge up till about 8 yrs ago and now it somewhat sucks .

i heard ralph was loosin that shit… still has the buyou tho.

Sold it as it is gonna be apartments . What I was told anyway

thank god i hate going out, except to try and find dark middle eastern dudes dressing gay.

Hadji Gotti’s

thats the way its supposed to be lol


we are essentric and essentual and esstablished heterossentual dressers


:rofl :rofl “I’m polish, we never had any of you.”

Hahaha that’s how it went. Editing my post.

I think Singh meant “metrosexuals.”

Not sold yet… and def sucks fuckin FAM scared everyone away… Not much you can do when its not safe to walk to your car… Shame…

Fucking cockroaches , nolan is cool as hell why can’t they be like him ???

because he’s half white

Pjb… i use to see you at jillians every friday, you’re not upset about this?

I havent been there in several years. I used to go occasionally when I was 21 or so but usually went to the Big House, another closed Albany night club

Are you sure? I saw you there last weekend

I hear Bayou is closing up soon as well.

same owner so wouldnt be surprising