whose up for it?!

who wants to get a little late night meet goin on tomarrow to have a little fun?? I have a few people that want to get together…

tony is up for a race always, just ask him.

way out of my league…

I want to play with my new camera!

I’ll do a dig race but only if i’m comfortable with the location.

I was actually considering taken a ride down tonight as my car hasent seen more then 10 miles in a row in about 6 weeks…lol…

you can if you want but its been raining on and off all day so far.

5mph roll from our “spot”…

you considered driving it. and it rains… the z06 is cursed.

I would do a 5mph roll…

Going to look at the weather and get back to you. It’s been nice up here all day.

Showing a very little and decreasing chance of rain as the night goes on…

You guys want to meet up for dinner then head out? 930 at Latham Farms Applebees? Thats about the earliest that I could make it out.

im down give me a call 605-2661

yeah im down for a little fun… gimme a call 817-5259 and let me know when were all meeting up or w/e


you guys want to meet at Fridays in Clifton park at 9:30 instead of applebee’s (I fuckin hate applebee’s lol)? Maybe get a drink and some food, bullshit then head out to wherever?

i got a slow turbo, cant play any games.

so who is comming tonight??

I’m up in the air right now but count me in if we can get a good turnout…maybe make a post in the general section?

I might show up after my HS’s football game, Travis, I’ll just give you a call when I get out to see where you are/what you’re doing.

he wasnt talkin bout ur friend tony he was talkin bout tony with the yellow mustang at the lot

right now I have a few friends comming with me.