Jobs dead

I softball these great opportunities and no one swings. :frowning:

It was a good one. Plus rep to that.


making an iCasket for the iFuneral, anyone want to lend me a hand while Steve Jobs is resting up in an iCloud?

Can you imagine the packaging on his casket? Masterpiece.



Sad to hear but its not like that company will perish with out him

well obviously not, thats not the point tho

Definitely has one of the most important/lasting legacyā€™s in recent history.
I would be willing to bet, ~85% of this forum uses one of his products.

And if not using a product that was created as direct competition to Apple products.

I hate the company, iTunes, and all the jazz but love my iPhone and his legacy/influence.

Also guy drove around without plates on his mercedes :rofl

I forget exactly why but in California you can drive with no plates as long as you have them in the car. Makes no sense at all but I had a friend who lived out there who told me about it and when I was out there I noticed it too. I noticed it more on higher end cars though.

As far as apple goes I hated them until I got my iPhone. Now I have even switched over to a MacBook pro and love it. Iā€™m sure the company will be fine without him but he was definitely one of the great innovators of our time.

I honestly didnā€™t know a whole lot about his personal life and his ethics, but the more I read, the more impressed I am. He was a pretty radical guy, kinda gives hope to shmucks like me. lol

Title change LOLZ

I did exactly the same (more or less). I hated on Apple for years because of my ignorance really. I picked up and loved the iPhone from the 3G, 3GS and on to the 4. Then, this summer I went and picked up my first Mac. A 27" iMac with an Intel i7 only to shortly after buy a MacBook Air for portability. Iā€™ll seriously never look back to the PC world (for what I do on a computer anyway). The fit and finish of Apple products are second to none.

I have owned 2 Mac Books and a loaded Mac Book Pro and didnā€™t really care for any of them. I got the Mac Book Pro for a crackhead deal so I couldnā€™t pass it upā€¦ ended up selling it shortly after. I donā€™t hate them, I just think they are overpriced and over-hyped.

I would have always agreed until you look at it a little closer. For instance, when I bought my iMac I went on NewEgg and built a similar PC with as close as possible specs to the iMac as possible (i7 2600, 4gb ram, 1tb WD HD, ATI 6970, 2560x1440 monitor, etc) and it ended up being more (~$200) then my iMac in a not as neat and compact design. I will not bash on PC (look at my damn username, lol) but the Macā€™s had clear advantages for me. For what I now do on my computers (Image editing/manipulation, some web design, and web browsing/email type stuff) the iMac/Air are perfect. Now, if I were a gamer Iā€™d clearly not be running a Macā€¦although they are getting better at that as well.

I had the 3GS and now have the 4. Great phone and easy to use. When I had other laptops it seemed like something would go wrong with them within 10 months or so and they would start giving slight problems within a few months. Iā€™ve had my MacBook pro for 11 months and it still runs like the day I bought it. Im still toting with the idea of an iMac but for what I do now on the computer the MacBook is just fine