Joey k20

Happy Birthday dood.

happy 13th brithday boiiiii

Happy Birthday and I hope that Dog in Chris’s Sig eats your cupcake


Edit: Sig

Happy birthday. I spent way to much money on you

haha, says you.

LOL! Thanks brother! Def. a good start to my b-day! :rofl :rofl :rofl

Thanks all, so far!

21 finally?

19 bro

happy bday!

Happy burrfday

Titty bar?

I just ordered this gem as a strip-o-gram.
Its gonna show up at his work before 5PM.

Classic !!!

:rofl :rofl

so wat happened 4 realz

Happy Birthday bud!
We started to celebrate last night. Joey saw his first set of tits!! while the rest of us got hammered and ended up wrestling in the rain in front of Hatfields house. :rofl
btw, my back is killing me today. But i did get all of the stains out of my clothes!
OxyClean ftw :number1

First set? what does he usually just see one b00b at a time?

Sully got owned by Adam & Hatfield :rofl

He is kidding, they love to bust my ass

Thanks again for the b-day wishes doodz!

SON! You shoulda came out!! :rofl fucking HILARIOUS!

Happy Birthday!