Joey k20

happy birthday bro

stuff that involves spending money… you in?

depends what it is…

Word, who’s coming to Murrdog’s then to Alb???

drinking alcohol.

pre-game at my place then out to the bars

Is this Druckman/Rob Fro/Keith Viglucci’s house too?

word up big guy

Haha sick, must get pretty crazy there at times…

O i got stories, you in for tonight?

Am I invited? I’d be down to come hang out at the apartment. Downtown bar hopping isn’t really my thing though…

yah dude… its really up to joey, Il do whatever, theres some house parties that I know of as well…

I’ll PM you.

I’m down for whatever, even if we’re just roaming around hollering at bitches :rofl

whos in and what time are you thinkin?

I was thinking about swinging down around 10, Sean’s being a vagina and says he doesn’t know and no one else other than Adam got back to me. :lol

haha word… well we deff gotta do something.

This town sucks, nothin good to do lol

I got some shit we can do

Let’s go down to negr0’s apartment ni99a