Jogger killed by an airplane.

so a plane falls out of the sky and doesnt make the air around you move or anything, right?

This is how things fall in the PJB world

down to the T

Aerodynamics fail. It makes the air behind it move, not in front.

I have an idea.

We’ll simulate the incident as best as possible.
You will be jogging down the street, listening to your favorite 80’s female artist (Tiffany, I assume), and some will drive up behind you at a reasonable speed. About 100ft from you, they put the car in neutral and turn off the engine.

Results to come shortly.

PJB!!! Look out! Theres an airplane BEHIND you!!!

lol NO!

Also, Jellies, keep in mind he was jogging. On a beach. There was already a lot of wind noise and wind moving around him regardless of the plane.

can the pilot not maneuver the plane with the engine disabled? i dont understand why he didnt see the jogger.

unfortunate incident all around.

They glide forever, but once you get that close to the ground your options are limited.

lots o plane talk from very few pilots here :wink: planes don’t glide too well w/o power. you start falling like a brick quite fast. That’s until you get into the ground effect boundary, when you get really close to the ground the ground effect starts to fuck with you and pending the plane can make things tricky to put on the ground w/o power. GE in lamens terms is the air trapped between ground and plane that actually forces the plane back up.

Being a pilot I can say that the operator of that aircraft likely had his eyes on instrumentation amongst other things. ALOT goes through your head when cruising at ~3K feet and you lose an engine, panic likely was part of the issue as well. I’ve put a DA20 down dead stick before. Not fun at all.

Still lol’ing at PBJ here. :rofl

You’re trying to tell me that a Cessna 152 does not glide well? Not even sure if that’s the aircraft in question, but most small, single engine prop planes only lose 1 foot of altitude for each 9-11 feet they glide forward. No way that I’d call that ‘falling like a brick’.

Also, if he’s looking at instruments at that point, he’s a piss-poor pilot.

I admit that was a bit of a generalization yes. 1 foot per ~10 of forward travel isn’t bad, but you have to factor in what they do when yawing and pitching. Most planes lose alot of altitude when making heading corrections, which is why it’s beat into your head to do as much correction while altitude is on your side(in such an emergency event like this). They’re definitely not gliders.

And the article stated he claimed oil across the windscreen. In a streamlined aircraft like the Lancair that oil likely covered down the complete side of the airframe and obscured much view. I’d suspect one of his only true means of determining aircraft attitude would have been the artificial horizon(hence gauges). Toss in nervousness/panic from the situation and you’ve got one hell of a mess.

True, if he could not see out the windows, I guess he ain’t got much more to go by, ha.

Incase you don’t know, I’ve been an AP mechanic for 12 years, but I hate flying:shifty

Yup, we’ve talked on the topic before. :slight_smile:

Me on the other hand…I actually like flying as a hobby. It’s just too damn expensive these days if you don’t own your own plane. And even then it’s damn expensive. I went and got all my certificates to become a pilot for hire after the damn AF rejected me due to some asthma BS. Although about 1/2 through my IR training I felt it just wasn’t what I wanted to do. Never finished my COM. Should go back and do that but again, $$$$

I remember when I could take up a fully fueled DA20 or C172 for a couple hours and walk away with a ~$100 bill, insured and all. :wow

For sure man, flying is very expensive. 172 is like at least 90 an hour now or some shit, probably more.

I’ve actually been doing more avionics as of late, I’ve always liked wires, plus it’s much cleaner work, and pays better.

What FBO do you work out of? Privateer or Co based? :slight_smile:

Yeah I stopped flying when renting a DA tipped the ~$85hr mark PLUS mandatory NR insurance which roamed in the $60 per flight range for just local puddle jumping. AVAGas back then was $2.20gal too. Renting a plane for an hour was pointless as you could blow 15-20 minutes just taxing and waiting for ground/tower clearances :shifty

I’m not working at all right now. Got laid off a few months ago, was doing heavy avionics mods for the military in Maryland. Was at Eclipse in Albany before that, they went under, Colgan in Albany before that…list goes on and on.

federal wages must be nicccce

I knew there was a reason I DIDNT read this thread for 2 days…