JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge *2014 roll call*

and your top heavy blonde friend will be there ehh, lol

MULTIPLE girlfriends… hollER


she thinks shes gonna beat me in the race

i gotta get my game face on. as shud u


I dont work there!

All the roads I need to take home from work are going to be closed for this crap… I hope a Hurricane hits you runners…:fail:

if you didn’t live in the ghetto u wudn’t have that problem

i hope a hurricane hits your mudbrick house

the group i’m headed out with has white shirts too! ahhh what a world :slight_smile:

I wish I work for ingram right now :frowning:

LOLZ! Yeah, Delaware Park and N.Buffalo is in the ghetto!!! Try and get out of your little shell more often tard…

dude, you live in the ghetto


No, he doesn’t.


No!!! Try projects…:bloated:

fine projects :frowning:

LOL* I’ll be there but my ass is going to be drinking some suds…

corporate challenge is all you can drink suds

Spence are you running in it? If not I’ll keep an eye out for you to drink some wine coolers with…

keep an eye out for me taking video while i run lol

yeah im running, but I will be chilling in the citi tent after, or walking around

bring some zimas

Sounds good…

keep an eye out for me beatin every1 and winning the crown

the corporate challenge crown.