JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge *2014 roll call*

lol i really wanna elbow people as i run by them but its not appropriate

i was talking about that earlier

i will do w/e it takes to win.

lol and u def know there will be hardcore runners with super short shorts and those tiny lil caps with lil brims, EW


yea i can’t wait to see what kind of John Stockton’s some of the pros wear this year.

pfft short shorts, gotta streak the whole way if you want real weight reduction

p.s. anyone rocking the 80s sweatband?

no i will be rocking classic reebok running sneakers

im rockin a wristband?

Old thread bump!

Anyone on here going this Thursday to this? Other than the usuals: Drew, Paulo, Jeff, etc. Didn’t realize when I signed up that under 30mins is considered the “green” walker class, piss! Looks like I’ll be dodging people/walkers again this year, sigh.

im sitting this year out, but im totally down to crush some beers at drews. bring your pup! i’ll mine. they can chase the cats…

2 cats per dog, perfect! I’m sure Alana would love that, ha! But yeah I’ll keep him at the gf’s while I run, its right down the street. I’ll shoot you a text.

Wait we are bringing dogs to Drews house?

Can I bring 3?

I’ll be there by the baseball diamond again this year. Probably race, eat/drink then head over to Drew’s tent. Maybe mingle with the Derrick guys and then head over to Drew’s.

murder dog meet?

Ill be there. Not running but for set-up and take-down (aka drinking beer all day and getting paid)

Good luck to all running!

Beers at my place after. :tup:

You jerks already know Alana will have the cats locked in the attic in fear of their escape plans coming to fruition haha.

I hear it’s not cheating if it’s your dog… can you confirm?

I’ll be there, but I won’t be running this year. I’m still healing from a knee injury and have been out of commission for over a month. I’m going crazy.

I’ll have the 2 young pups there with me. Cuteness overload at Drew’s.

So who’s calling in the next day #getweird

I took off the next day. :slight_smile: