Thanksgiving Day: Turkey Trot?

Anyone running it? I’m going to this year… never knew how big it was last year had almost 7000 runners!

Im gonna run it again. I do it every year. If youre a decent runner, start near the front otherwise youll be passing people the whole race. I learned the hard way the first year…

yea apparently ALOT of people run this thing, i couldn’t believe how many entrants there were last year when i was looking at the results from last year

I remember I was late getting to the starting line the very first year I ran in. The gun went off as I’m jogging down Hertel and I was shocked at the wave of people that was going and going and kept going by.

Its a good race straight down delaware, not much elevation change. The only thing you have to worry about is the weather, sometimes its just nasty. The after party is cool too at the convention center. I would be running it but I will be out of town for thanksgiving.

How long is the run? I was thinking of giving it a shot but not if it is something like 26.2 miles.

Its 5 miles

its not a marathon :stuck_out_tongue: yea 5 miles i think like spencer said

The only thing that would be a challange for me is running on black top. When I run after a while it feels like someone is putting spikes in my ankles.

time for some better running shoes!

ill be there! :tup:

liar hahaha

i should be there!!

I’ll wave to all of you from my front porch as you run past. :wave:

I’m expecting signs lol

lol. Should they say anything in particular?

LOL i’m impressed your actually gonna come through on this! nothing in particular

Well I’ll be rather hung over from the night before so i’ll make them up ahead of time. I’ll try to come up with something ‘nyspeed’ related. If anyone wants to suggest something, speak up.

if i was in town i would do it :frowning:

have fun and post your times!

awesome haha it’ll give me something to look for

judging by the amount of people in this and that i’ve been slacking big time since the half marathon i ran ( apparently i wasn’t as ready for it as i originally thought…) because i took a loooong time to recover from that one, not sure how good the times will be haha should be fun though at the least