JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge *2014 roll call*

LOL, typical.

Good thing the weather is nice today!

So seriously are we going to Drews house :lol:

I am, was going to ride my bike there, but with the rain I might have to drive…blah

I’ll probably leave the pup at home. I switched his food and its not agreeing with him :frowning: I’m still going to run it then beers at Drew’s!

awwww lil guy :frowning:

Drwe, what time you thinkin of heading back?

Edit: or Drew. apparently I’m already drunk.

HAHA im not sure what time. I am assuming work people wont linger too long. 8ish?

Looks like monsoon like conditions

Yeah this is going to be rough.

if its like this later on, count me out boys. i’ll melt.

Just meet at my house later. It has a roof!

I hope the beers dont get wet :frowning:

I’ll just pretend there is a beer in front of me while running for motivation.

I wish there was beer at the run-by water stations

TUrkey Trot :tup:

Running in the rain is so much fun. The race itself will be awesome.

Was looking ok for a while, radar still showing rain come race time though.

Time to break out the ziplock bags and the burner headphones…I can’t run without my music!

Everyones going to be soooooooooooo wet.

That’s what she said?