JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge *2014 roll call*


Who is in for 2016?

Only run when chased…actually more of a brisk walk.

I registered, but it is unlikely I will beat my 35 minute time from last year.

Maybe if I can get a stroller or wagon, it will seem more respectable with the added benefit of pissing off real joggers :smiley:

@Paulo, @newman or anyone else attending tomorrow?

I’ll be there but I definitely won’t be fast. I’ve been nursing an ankle injury so I’ve barely been running at all. I’ll be happy with a sub 8:00 pace.

I won’t be fast either, shooting for low 8 pace.

@POOPRA, you going?

I’m going to try to make this, depends on what time I get back to Buffalo.

I was planning on running a nice 11 minute pace but had to leave for Atlanta at the last minute and missed it.
Maybe next year.

I’m totally going to wear the shirt like I was there though.

I ended up running a 8:08 pace for 3.54 miles. Wish I would’ve broke the 7 minute mark but oh well. Out of the gate I kept up with a friend of mine at a 6:03 pace for the first mile that really messed the rest of the race up for me, oh well.

I ran it. My first one, I’ll never start middle of the pack again. I was dodging walkers for the first 2.5 miles, and ran an additional 2/10 of a mile laterally. Still managed to finish with an 8:14 pace though.

GPS said I did 3.6 miles 28:01 7:46 pace

That was my 1st experience as well… at a 9.x pace of course.

I ran around the park today on lunch. Only 2 strollers and maybe 20 walkers :slight_smile:

Just ran a few miles on lunch, myself. Didn’t realize there were a bunch of runners on here. If anyone wants to get together for a run sometime let me know, always looking for a crew to run with. I usually run around Delaware Park and Hoyt Lake on Saturdays when I get the chance.

Nice! I ended up with a 29.43