Judge Brown


I know the kid who’s in this video. He’s from the NYCMaximas forum I used to be on all the time.

Evidently, they paid for everything. Hotel, flight to Hollywood, and the damages.

One of his posts on the forum:

“LOL no they hate my family.
the whole situation was real. i hit their POS car, they took me to small claims, and before the court date, the producer from the show that researches cases contacted me about taking the case to the show. my neighbors didn’t want to do it at first, but i threatened to not pay anything at all, so they hopped on it quick since the show paid for it. so once it got to the show i didn’t give a damn since i had nothing to lose. the week my episode aired i got the highest ratings.
the daughter now drives a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse. major upgrade from a 1987 oldmobile cutlass supreme”

My sister was on one of these, I think Judge judy lol… She only got like $100 though lol.

He’s lucky he got on the show. If he didn’t, he would have been far worse off.

I got into it with him on the forum when he first joined years ago. Never really got along with that kid and now I’m just sitting here laughing at him making $60k/yr at a Pizza Parlor. :rofl

so thats why he was smirking the whole time, because he never had to pay for anything? or because hes just a moron?

I’m going to say both.

4:13 I want to hit her for her big dumb smile, she thinks shes getting a payday from that pos. lol

:45 into it I wanted to say guilty and punch him in the face.

feel free to pass what along to him on the forums to if you would like.

after watching that I feel like I hate dumb fucking people even more.

-Judge is a shitty actor.

-Kid looks like a douche, acts like a douche and has an eyebrow ring for shits sake.

-Lady dirves a pile of shit without colision on it and thinks she is entitled to a big old 3K proffit from the situation.

id hit the girl that was sittin in the old bags side


day time fake TV at it’s best. Kinda sad that we have a media system that propetuates these kind of sterreotypes of slugs.

can i just punch him in the face?

You can tell that kid he looks like a faggot.
