I promised to be a gentlemen in TNC’s wh0ring competition, but I have to break my promise for the funniest, yet random crap ever!


You gotta love Canada!!! But I will stick to our simple containers that close and seal.


A: Why not?

Q: What do you usually do with the bag part of a milk bag after the fact? (The fact being drinking the cow product inside said bag.)
A: Typically they are recycled, though I have seen some people use them for freezer bags. Sometime we joke around and say that they’re poor people’s condoms.
Q: That’s super expensive!
A: Take mind of exchange rates.
Q: What money do you use in canada, anyway?
A: Canadian currency.

Q: How is the milk bag better than the milk carton or jug?
A: I don’t know. It seems as though they are easier to recycle, more enviromentally friendly.

Q: Where did the milk bag originate?
A: I don’t know. I read somewhere that it was like, Greenland or something. I’ll have to look into that.

Q: Who invented the milk bag?
A: … I don’t know. I don’t think it was ‘someone’. Probably a group of crazy hippies.

Q: Are all milk bags the same size?
A: Yeah, pretty much. Unless you count those drinkable milk pouches we all used to drink when we were little at school. But that’s a whole other species of milk bag compared to what this site is about.

Q: Does the milk stay fresher?
A: Not anymore than it would in a jug.

Q: Wait, do you leave the milk bag open? You don’t seal it? Don’t cockroaches get in?
A: It’s a small hole cut in the corner of the bag…
Q: Yeah, but still. Small roaches can get in, no?
A: Yeah, I guess. If I had roaches that might be of concern.

Q: It looks like a bag of cocaine
A: Okay.
Q: I think milk bags would cause more problems. See, someone can accidently throw the jug and it wouldn’t spill easily. The milk bag would (if it were already open) and SPLASH. - it would create a mess.
A: How can you accidently throw a milk bag anyway?
Q: walks into the kitchen Hmm…some milk with donuts would be nice! grabs the pitcher. it slips WHOOPS.
A: They’re not soap. They’re usually pretty well into the pitcher. And then you have the weight of the bag.
Q: So they’re not slippery?
A: No.
Q: Oh…

Q: Do you have jugs?
Q: In Canada
Q: …that sounds horrible
Q: Do they sell jugs there is what I really meant. And I don’t mean prostitutes either.
A: They might sell them specialty.
Q: Do you know if they’re more expensive than milk bags?
A: If they were cheaper, I think we’d carry them like everyone else.

A: Not anymore than Michael Jackson. And you can take that whatever way you want.

Q: Does milk in a bag work easier than milk from a jug when shooting a milk saturated porn?
A: Good possibilty.

Q: Do they have ebonics in Canada?
Q: And if they do, do they say “wud de fook is dat shit aboot?”
A: …Why are you asking me this?
Q: Just trying to imagine a ghetto-Canadian asking for milk at a convience store.

Q: Do you have to wait in long lines at Canadian hospitals?
A: Uh?
Q: You know, just in case you get milk poisoning.

Q: Do they have pine trees in Canada?
Q: And do they have Arab cab cars with pine smelling air freshner?
A: What the hell?
Q: Just wondering.


umm that made no sense at all really :S

LMAO wtf!! thats retarded

“It looks like a bag of cocaine”

wow that was ummm ya retarded.
cant belived i read the whole god damn thing.

lol so true… i want my 5 min of life back!!

i kept reading cuz i thought it was supposed to be funny