We finally get a reason...

for the questions on all of our minds:

Why a bag?



Never knew this…I guess now I dont need to ask? :shrug:

I was baffled when I saw this for the first time. In my drunken stupor I attempted to pour a glass and let the bag slip out of the container. It spilled everywhere. She cleaned it up like a woman should without question.

lol interesting.

in other news, there’s a haze in my apartment and i set off the smoke detector while cooking in the oven.

who cares about the haze, you were cooking in the oven?!>?!?!!11!!???

Don’t you have a woman to do the cooking?

milk in a bag…extremely dumb idea.

Only hippies (and Canadians) would all of a sudden say that PLASTIC milk bags are better for the environment over a PAPER jug.

What ever suits their life is what is good for the environment.

probabaly was refering to the plastic gallon jugs here in america.

Milk in a bag is disgusting, nothing in this list is out of place

peanut butter
bag of milk
government cheese

Its not sanitary to leave the shit open air, or clothes pinned, a clip dosent even work on chips, the fuck would anyone put it on milk for?

Also light isnt good for milk, so leaving it in a bag is worthless, there is a reason jugs are opaque.

You think peanut butter is disgusting?

i was refering to, a bag of milk sounds like something you’d get from welfare, like government cheese and peanutbutter

I’d like to try out her milk bags.

Upper class milk drinking skills

I would

what milk bags? This girl is retarded. I LOL’d at all the comments. I agree with the one saying her parents failed to mention that they were poor.

hell yea. I dont think I have ever seen a hotter ‘regular person’ Asian. I really like that she doesnt have an accent