soymilk... i guess i don't hate it.

i haven’t had cereal with milk in almost 3 years…
(i tried cereal with juice a few times with disastrous results)

i just had a bowl of cereal with vanilla soy milk… and it isn’t that bad, it’s actually quite good. I don’t really remember what milk tastes like, but this soymilk seemed pretty close. i hated the idea of soy milk forever. I thought it was the fucking sickest thing. But i never had really tried it… so. :tup: to finally getting the guts to try something after 3 years. lol.

vanilla soy is good stuff. i get it in my lattes at starbucks sometimes.

Soy milk is not that bad tasting, I wouldn’t place it over cattle juice though. But I’m no vegan.

I thought You were eating meat again?

I never understood how one get’s “milk” for a bean :lol:

It’s not soy milk according to Lewis Black.

“Soy milk, that’s bullshit on a stick. There is no such thing as soy milk, I know that because there is no soy-tit, is there? I don’t know a lot but I know you need a breast for milk. It’s soy juice, nobody’s gonna fucking drink soy juice!!”

:lol: :rofl:

you think soymilk is good,try eggnog on your cereal :tup:

doesn’t that kinda defeat the whole purpose of avoiding dairy?

You like it because it is loaded with sugar. Try the unsweetened variety and you probably wouldn’t like it as much.

I think soy milk tastes like pumpkin seeds, or if you could milk a pumpkin seed, it would taste like soy milk… or vice versa.

Is it the Silk brand? That shit is so fucking good.

soy-tits! :lol:

Yeah, I don’t like it plain. but mixed with SOMETHING else, it is good.

I love soymilk, flavored or not.

i hear plant estrogens give you +2 emo strength

how the fuck do you milk a soy plant.

Bwahaha awesome!

next time you laugh im gunna listen for the b in front of the hahaahhaah part

never understood that

but anyways :tdown: to milk period I hate it i’m lactose anyways so it doesnt bother me one bit that I can’t drink it

but for some reason I can eat pizza.

The “b” is always there! And it’s not really milk. You better have ordered the cable today :hay:

youll start eating meat soon

haha. not likely.

i did have a dream about chicken mcnuggets the other day tho. It was after i read that thread about them. I was eating them while driving a boat over the skyway (???) and then i realized. OH SHIT, what am i eating.


they tasted really nasty in the dream.