July 31, 2008. Beer. Tap Room. 9.

if it goes to a once a week thing keep this close


lol naw. Maybe if it were once a week, by yourself.


alcoholics go to meetings. I’m an enthusiast.


Sorry guys. I had a friend in need.

Said friend had better have had a vagina.

EDIT: …that got but to good use.

I hope everything’s OK. Beers next time. :tup:

hope they smashed

:lol: I don’t


Vagina there - YES
Any smashing - NO
Everything OK - NO

so if things are still bad make the move … easy time to smash is when they are down

You hear that brendan? easy to smash…



am i missing something ?? or did you tell him the same thing… really its the best time to

You’re missing something…

Chick is ugly and/or family or family-like?

Or… His EX girl and my girl BFF.


That’s why he’s glad there was no smashing.

best time to smash … :tup: it should be done even more now… IMO try and get your girl to go with it… you have better chance with a “BFF” then a random person even thow she will say no i can never do that with me BFF or it will and can be done my friend

or send her down my way … :gotme: Ill fix it

:wave: i went there


We are a complicated bunch. We could totally do it. It’s been discussed in the past. We just don’t.


you guys SUCK… it shold have been done … sherm call the bitch up get on good terms … smash at least once in the first 48 hours of talking … then fb you need to get the idea in your girls head … sherm if you can bang out in the first 48 you have her around you finger… get a digi cam and go to town

shit just pm me her # ill take care of this

disagreed. The friend zone is full of dry balls.