Jumping Cars

Well my friend Casey, he has a huge back yard. He has a bunch of jumps back there and everything and evry now and then they get everyone together and have stunt shows with 4 wheelers and stuff like that. To make a long story short, heres 2 videos of them jumping cars lol


Lumina…insane air

Pretty Impressive! That Lumina gives my brother’s jump (Lacville) a run for his money!!

someone showed me this i think it was pete, there in huson right


shouldnt have wrecked that lumina, that bitch had potential…

lol, I know the guy who did that. He’s in my CAD class at HVCC

I think that’s my brother you know, Lacville? He jumped a Buick.

yea, I know LACVILLE, he’s in a couple of my other classes, but I was talkin about the guy who jumped the Lumina.
I actually saw the buick jump video over the summer before I knew him, haha. I met this kid Dan at camp Pinnacle, he showed me the jump. Then I met LACVILLE in class and he showed me pictures of it and I was like wait a minute, this looks oddly familiar from somewhere

down that way, in kinderhook

that Lumina got some SERIOUS air!! :crackup :lmao

hell yea i was laughing my balls off at that second one… holy fuck!

:lol that jump was friggin sweet, i’d like to see him try it at 60mph with no helmet…oh and my car still drives :lmao

… i might have to reclaim my title and go higher… ;D

:stfu it had none. the only potential it had was to go faster and higher.

LOL at the comment on the jetta vid
'Its only a jetta you retard"

no balls… i suggest you put that Lac to good use instead of selling it. :nod

That had to really hurt

The jetta jump was weal compared to the Lumina, holy fucking shit!

So the thought of severe bodily harm/ death never crossed their minds?

its not as bad as it looks, from experience i walked away with a bruise on my knee and a scrape on my elbow…

lol wayne, the lac is too front heavy i will land on the roof and die, haha

LACVILLE, post up your jump vid again