Attempt at the mile long car jump... Kenny Powers, Ken Carter

hahahahaha … we need more people like this

my god. he thought he could jump 5,280 feet?
Well, they did believe the world was flat back in the day

Needed VTEC.

thats better Lincoln destruction then airhead and fuzzy managed to do … lol

he had vtec … and it blew off













I can’t believe I’ve never seen this before, it was worse than Evel’s canyon jump.

Never seen this either. LOL at the car choice and what seems to be lack of thought about the cars flight.

Broke his back 7 times,lol.

All that is man!

The guy tried the same thing again and the chute didn’t deploy or something … he died on the 2nd attempt :frowning:

this attempt was like broken ribs and shit

Right? that thing is as aerodynamic as a brick!

new jump idea…jump from niagara falls on the states side to the canadian side…speedped is the driver, and for the car, we use a cube van or a pedo-van (same thing)…with a mural of a siq 3rd gen f-bod on the side surrounded by flames that reads “stuntman speedped”

ha, pedo-van

wow, never saw that vid.

what an idiot.

Obviously well before aerodynamics existed.

Honestly though 280MPH in any old brick car is pretty ballsy given the technology of the era.

“Powers was lucky, he had broken his back.”

Real lucky. Haha


Hahahahahaha so stupid.

Bump for a full documentary on this stupidity:

I recommend that people watch that documentary that Josh posted.

(And not just skip to the end)

It’s pretty interesting. The guy plans it for 5 years, and while he’s in a meeting they put a different driver in his place.

Also, in reference to a comment above, he didn’t die trying this again a few years later. Ken Carter died trying some pond jump in 1983, but it was not this.

Thats insane…and ballsy!