worth the watch


this guy must be retarted

yea i’m still trying to justify that being real…

thank god for the parachute… jesus i thought it was gonna be something horrible

That shit looked sweet as hell when he hits teh ramp. Wooootttttttt, crash!!!


“In 1983, Carter would attempt a significantly shorter jump in a modified Pontiac Firebird, but he was killed after his car overshot the landing ramp, landing on its lid.”

umm after breaking his back 7 times… one would think its time to give it up

Actually Ken Carter was not the one who was driving the yellow rocket powerd continental in the video. That was driven by Ken Powers, who I believe is still alive today and actively “stunting”.

Hmmm…If I wanted to “fly” a car 1 mile across a river, what car would I pick? It would have to have tiny wings, and a rocket booster…it would have to have the latest in aerodynamics…Lincoln Continental, of course!