Junk Yards in Canada

I was wondering if anyone has visited any junk yards in Canada lately or at all. I am looking for a few hard to find corvette parts out of a Canadian car.

What I’m looking for mostly is a 300mph Zo6 gauge cluster [No heads up]. (I think they look much much better then stock.)

So if you guys have personally been to any good yards, or know of any yards with c5’s…let me know! Thanks!

Would like to keep the price under ~$350.

To compare:



300KPH = 186.41MPH


that cluster is Kmph/Mph so It will go to 300mph


my bad.

yeah there’s a button that switches it

Yup c5’s are pimp like that.

Not saying my car would travel over 200mph…(Shifting out of 5th at red line is a mere 172mph) Maybe 6th + :nos: could see 200…IDK…

I just like the checkerboard look, they also have a blue/white back light, plus they are kind of rare. They where only put in Canadian cars or cars for over sea export.

Ever check a Chevy dealer to see what they go for?

just call around some yards up there.

or go to www.car-part.com and see what they have in ontario

I’ve personally never seen a c5 in a j/y up there, and i’ve been to quite a few.

I would do ebay and the vette forums first

Here is one but it says it has the HUD.Make you could offer him less then what he’s asking if it doesn’t sell if it will work for you.
Asking 499 for Zo6 cluster and 99 for regular C5 one.Wow

lol. I thought the same thing but realized it was digital so a simple button press will switch it.

lol thats kinda high, but it would be pimp

millers is right over the border and has a ton of shit, try there

I didn’t know canadian vettes do 300mph?

pretty cool, wonder why they are so much faster than american vettes?

^please tell me that isn’t a serious post. I can’t remember anything else you’ve posted…

from what i’ve read, you’re supposed to shoot for the 172 top speed in 5th so you don’t burn out 6th

I don’t think 6th is any weaker then any other gear, its just a heck of a lot steeper.

Someday I’ll have a nice T-56 with custom cut 5th and 6th gears so it tops out right at 200 but gets there like woh.

what are your current mods as of late, anyway? PM if you like. i still miss mine here and there, plz humor me and allow me to benchrace the concept…


If you understand josh’s sense of humor/sarcasm then you need to meet the person who taught it to him.

PS: we’ve met.

Puallo this is my bestest friend Jeremy, he has the dark red ish mustang and the blue neon. He works with at derrick and we go for long walks on the beach, and share ice cream on our lunch breaks with each other.

So what if they are a cobra and srt-4 model? hahahah

Jeremy there is a Twin Turbo c5 in Virgina Beach for 20K with 65K miles…please buy it.