Just bought iphone....

just wondering if anyone else has one…and where the damn sim card goes. Any help would be great…


Good purchase. I want one, but I really need another car, so my funding is being diverted to that…

im posting from the iphone…it rocks…i figured out that it has a built in sim card and it makes the other one useless

typing on those things suck… i tried at the mall and couldnt even spell one word right.

i think i’ll wait until they release the 3G/3.5G version…

Banana Hands?

Me too.

My dad has one, cool for when your on the road and dont have a computer in the car… I posted a few times from it too :wink:

Anyways, the sim card goes in the top. The little slot is a tray that holds it, press something in the tiny hole, like a paperclip or something and the tray pops out, and you could swap your sim. Unless you have hundreds of phone numbers, i wouldnt worry about it…

But yes, cool phone, even though im a mac fiend, i wont get one until it has some sort of aim capability, and 3G…