Just Got Back From The Track

7.6 @ 90

not bad for startin off, with plenty of room the grow.

and :tup: to a new forum


awesome for a 1st time with the new motor :tup:

nice runs!!

glad to see u finally got it done and running

:tup: awesome for first time out on a brand new setup. :tup:

ford 4 life :smiley:

And I thought you were someone else.

nice job man

congrates, nice time.

There are like 5 vids… so those should be up shortly.

1.7* short times as well. He can’t :tspry: until he is topping 1st… :snky:

:tup: def a great time!

congrats :slight_smile:

BTW - This is how you break in a motor. ~30 miles on it and already doing WOT passes @ the track.

^^ fuck it, so long as the rings have seated…

No, I was serious :wink:

^^ so was i…


I love you nik
You know me too well.

Anyone else see it go down the track?>

more like 20 at most.

and this was only a break down run, so dont worry fellas

well congrats on the new project being all done :tup:

about half way done :rofl:
