How to break in new motor

finished putting my motor together. What is the best procedure to break it in?

beat on it…

Thats what I’ve been reading.Short busts on speed on and off letting the motor accelerate and decelerate.

Use a non-synthetic oil and drive it however you want, change the oil at 500 miles. There is some truth to breaking it in hard and making more power, but regardless of internet hype, I wouldent totally trash on it to begin with. I do like the idea of higher rpms and acceleration/deaccelration, though.

Ya it’s only at 10psi right now,so I think I’m gonna take it out and kinda baby it/But get on it on and off.

i was told when i did my turbo to take it from a stop and go to almost redline in each gear a few times and look at gauges as well as listen for any odd sounds. that worked great for my can and my friends gsr turbo.

That would be best done on a dyno.

The rings on the car will be easy to ‘break in’ (seat). Just do a fourth gear pull on the highway, to just about redline, and then let off and coast.
The bearings and such will take a few miles though.

Fixed for clarification.:wink:

I was running my car 100% all out within the first 500 miles…I now have 11000 on the motor and not a problem.

There is no load on the engine when you are BLOWING it sideways.

The rings are ‘seated’ after the first 10-20 revolutions of the motor, going accel under load and decel under load often, try not to idle/coast too much.

im going to blow it sideways into your car on the cruise. Good thing my favorite color is red and I wouldnt mind a new paint job!

if it doesnt make funny noises at first start up, go to town. drive it, let it get to operating temp then drive it like you stole it… use an oil like Shell Rotella T for 500 miles, then drain it and put your normal oil in it.

noted. stay well clear of SSmokinnRickybobbySS

its more important that the tune is accurate immediately than proper driving conditions.

The whole point of the long 4th gear pull was to wear the rings under high cylinder pressure. Since most rings are tapered, if you want optimum performance you would want the rings to provide optimum sealing at high cylinder pressures. So therefore after a long 4th gear pull your rings should be worn in under heavy load conditions.

Decelerating in gear only causes prolonged abrasion with reduced cylinder pressure. It would be the wrong thing to do.

The optimum would be to make a long pull, put it in neutral, slow down with the brakes and make another long pull.

Mind you that break in effects are minimal at best. For a daily driven street car, your rings are probably wearing less at break in then at any other point assuming there is no casting flash or anything on the parts. When new the surface finish is optimum for wear and oil retention and your rings will wear slowly.

When your block is old and scratched, your rings will be wearing much faster anyway.

I would break in the engine gently. let all the surfaces polish up nice for a few hundred miles, then go do some long pulls. I would not go WOT on new parts. they should have sufficient time to achieve optimum surface finish before hard use. Work hardening may also occur.

Piston rings withstand crazy temperatures forces and acceleration. And they last for 100K miles.

How fast do you really think they wear???

This why non-synthetic is specified for the first 500 miles, so that wear rate is increased so that parts can fit together faster. They want the parts to be worn in before hard use though so there is good contact area.



from what I’ve heard:

  1. warm it up then change from from ~2k - 3k RPM’s every 5 minutes (do that for 20 minutes)

  2. take it out on the highway and do 4 hard pulls up to 65mph

  3. take it easy and don’t beat on it for at least 1k miles

As for running regular oil before switching to synthetic it all depends on what rings you used for the motor, If you used chrome-moly rings you’re gonna want to wait till around 5k miles to switch over to synthetic (as per friends telling me)

Yes it will be going to you guys hopfully next week-week1/2. I just got a raise so I will have the money for the real tune very soon!