Just met/was successfully macking on this awesome girl...

not if she’s 14.

you ford people and your poor math skiils…

302=4.9L, not 5.0


Want to touch the hiney! But from what she was telling me, seh and her ex had a few “scares”, so its not like I’d be taking the V card or anything. When I was 14 i remember kids my age banging girls my age. STUPID CONSCIENCE!!!

(er, i mean stupid statuatory laws. You fucks actually thought I had a conscience? :rofl: )

1990’s woman are off limits.

maybe her mother went into delivery on december 31, 1989 :blue:
if so, i’d hit :kekegay:

I bet her mom is only in her early 30’s… mmmm MILF!

although, it certainly would explain why she totally fell puppy dog in love with me after like 15 minutes of talking to her. 14 year old girls = the dumb.

3 some with parental consent??? :naughty:

:itr41: now thats what im talking about :itr41:

alcohol does that :tounge:

if you can get away with it, fuck that chick until you hit the back of her teeth…

2 yrs from my bday

what her number?! hahaha :finger: :bigok:

hahahaahah hahahahha ahahahah hahahaah ahahahah ahahahahaha

i never was saw the 14 part coming… and the 1990 thing made me laugh up my food. Wow… i was 9 when she was just being born. It’s the stupid chemicals in the food, i swear!

i was 22


I knew a girl when i was younger that saw this kid, then like 2 months later he ended up fucking her mom. How fucked up is that shit to do some girl, then her mom.

not at all. if the mom was hot.

hit that shit dogg!!! if she got a nice rack atleast drive through the twin cities. I just wanna know if the government has been adding blousant to the water supplys, i’ see some big racks on some tiny chick almost everynight at PNC park.

well, i later found out her rents slapped a restraining order on her 16year old ex, so they obviously arent the kind to let her out and do her own thing. Im sure if they found out a 21 year old (22 soon), was railing the shit out of their precious little daughter, then they wouldnt be too happy about it. I think ill pass this time. stupid statuatory rape laws. :frowning:

it’s the bovine growth hormone in milk that’s making girls’ tits big.

i know bars down here that i could get her into and get her served. Wouldnt be the least bit of a problem. If she told me she was 22 I wouldnt have thought another thing of it.

i always told my ex to drink her milk, she wouldn’t listen.