I’m talking about what he posts he started this tread vw VS Honda and starts the thread by saying how all vw motors suck just a punk thing to say . i was asking a question . if you ever built a car you would know perfection takes time . i love having a project keeps me busy and my project never sits long with out working on it .
yea your right there is a lot of high school kids but i haven’t seen any of them consistally talking shit about cars thats all i wasn’t bashing you i was asking a question its nothing against high school kids theres plenty of immature adults and they really suck lol
ha joey doesnt hate vdubs im pretty sure he almost had one for his first car
Mark’s(1.8tv-dub) shit BROKE!!@1!!211!!!
another example of the VW quality. ;D
Oh boy :ahh
I heart instigating :hug :benny
my car was a charity case and its always gonna be a charity case, why dump thousands of $$$ into my car just so it barely runs and who knows for how long, now i still love vw’s/ audi’s like yours, petes, nicks ect. but mine was nothing but stress and problems and it really took all the fun out of driving it not knowing if it was going to run right (which it did for like one day). But im not gona lie here my old acura was my favorite car, it always ran perfectly, never had problems it had a real nice interior with leather seats, and it was fun to drive because it handled real well, vw’s are definitly some of the nicest when done right though. Now I’m going with somthing more practical for me with awd.
I’ve had and driven a few VWs. I had a 96 Jetta Trek that I absolutely hated. Needed something every time i turned around. I only owned for a few months. My brother also has a 92 Jetta with a 2.0 swap sitting next to my garage. Car was/is clean as fuck body wise. When it was running it was a blast to drive, but it too constantly was in need of something. I’m not going to lie, I drive my shit hard. Here’s the thing though, I drive my Integra just as hard and it NEVER needs anything or lets me down. Same with any other Honda I’ve ever owned. They run no matter what. I happen to think VWs motors are pretty decent, its a shame they are surrounded with shit electronics and other parts. The fit/finish is better on VWs and they FEEL more solid, but when it comes down to it, I’d rather have a car that will get me somewhere without problems and is actually mechanically solid, instead of something that gives me the solid feeling.
the only issue i’ve really had with my car was an o2 sensor…
mkiii are garbage.
before and after I have no experience with but i hear good things about mkiv+
Hondas don’t make enough tourque to break anything. Even heavily modified honda motors make about as much tourque as my chipped 1.8t. 250-300 ft/lb range maybe up to 400 but still thats peanuts for a vw/audi motor. Dont anyone even say that audi and vw are different because they aren’t, same parts, same suppliers, same chassis’(on some models)There 4wd systems can handle more power than you can afford to make, except the 80-90’s trannies. The new dsg, 6 speed and 5 speeds are pretty effing tough.
VW’s make 400trq @ 16psi? ;D
I’ll assume your comparing your dated flat four 2.like 8 litre boxer engine to a 1.8 litre motorcycle motor, that revs to 7700 rpm, and no i only make around 280 ft/lb at 16psi. From the 1.8 liter tiny ass, weighs about 300 lbs wet with the intake and turbo. You mean that one?
Do the math and i bet the 1.8t makes more power per litre than the subby boxer engine…and weighs less to boot.
i was just bein a dick :tong i was talking about my 2.3L H22.
i want to see your car in action sometime, when do you bring it out
i hope you got a ton of insurance money for it. A buddy of mine for a scratch in his fender at wal-mart and called his insurance company. He got a quote from Keelans for 1300bucks, and his insurance went through with it.
my buddy that got hit, just got a new fender and did it himself, pocketed like 1100bucks hah