Ka24de $500


KA24de dual overhead cam 290000km 200$ running condition
Manual Ecu and wiring harness 200$
Stage 2 bully clutch and KA bell housing 100$
All together-500$
Pick up near mayfield and hurrontario (hwy 10)

Lololololol 200 at most my man

Keep her sideways stupid

maybe if it had like 30 000 km not 300 k

ya…100-200$ for that engine

Lol last 3 full ka swaps ive picked up where under $100

Vote for ban. Locker up or lower the price $400

I paid 250 for 70"000km ka with lighwait flywheel and clutch sooo ya lower the price heck you could charge an old guy that for a new motor but shit 300,000 km that shits gota be leaking oil outa every hole bro

Keep her sideways stupid

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Where did all the coments go?

Not sure, they got erased when I edited the post…

Ecu auto or 5 speed??

5 speed Ecu and stage 2 bully clutch. I want to sell Ecu and wiring together. There is a bunch of shit here for the KA so if you want anything come take a look any time after 4pm