kanye west tour

Does anyone know anything about him being at the AJ Palumbo center tongith ?? on vh1’s website it says hes there today but i cant find any ticketmaster prices anywhere??? any info on this ?

what female put you up to this?

He played at the Peterson events center at pitt about a week ago, I highly doubt he would be back so soon.

Who cares about Kanye West? :dunno:

He is definitly not going to be in pgh tonight…
I saw him at the Peterson Events Center in Oakland a couple of weeks ago…
It was a good show but not worth the ticket price.

damnit… ps. brad… unlike you i dont let women rule my life :doh: hahah jk. anyway i caught wind of it around the office this mornign and wanted to go unless it was way over priced but i guess hes not coming.

I have to agree with others fuck kayne west

he’s not that bad but i rather go see mike jones over anyone…oh wait he never shows up

I would go if the price was right and besides it would be something to do. :slight_smile:

fuck that piece of shit. I hope someone wires his jaw shut again so he can’t speak

i really like kanye west a lot. one of the best producers/rappers around right now.

i like his music, but i don’t really go to concerts…

i’m completely indifferent about the “george bush doesn’t care about black people” thing.

correction. he’s a popular producer/rapper. he blows. dre, diddy and lil john are the best producers period. best rappers out are game and jeezy.

haha… FUCK k west… he hates white people.

/ golddigger

I don’t understand how saying George bush doesn’t care about black people makes someone racist. :dunno:

Fuck that racist piece of shit

white people should not give him a dime!!!

exactly…especiall when his whole posse when he was in college was white dudes. but whatever

where did i bring up racism? i just said k west hates white people.