Kazama s15 body kit

Does anyone know where to get the Kazama s15 body kit?

we can get it. whats your budget? youre putting it on an s15?

no doing an s13 conversion. Not really sure just kinda pricing it out gimmie a price i wants the promode front skirt but i believe they make a conversion so if you can get the full conversion might be cool too

pm me with what youre looking to spend on somethign liek this and we’ll go from there.

in case anyone is wondering what it looks like and to make sure we’re talkin about the same car…





it’s got a Yashio Factory GT Wide Aero body kit and YF GT Aero front bumper cover along witha host of other crazy cf body mods.

That makes it easily in the top 10 Gangster-est cars I’ve ever seen.

That is the one but i would like it for the s13 conversion. But as i believe i said just seeing if anyone could get it when i got the cash i’m lookin ur way though. thanx


end of topic.


oo and further discussion can be done via pm.


you forgot to lock it…

thats one aggressive kit, not my cup of tea if you ask me, but youre not asking me so I’ll STFU lol :stuck_out_tongue:

yah u def need some balls under the hood to pull that thing off heheh