Keanu Reeves

Found this on another forum. Thought it was the saddest thing ever. :-\

  • Dad abandoned the family when he was 3, never reconnected with him. Mom was a showgirl.
  • Had a long string of stepfathers and moved constantly.
  • Attended serveral different high schools and had trouble keeping friends.
  • Dyslexic.
  • Had a keen interest in hockey but the Olympic dream ended after an injury.
  • Dropped out of high school to become an actor.
  • His daughter died stillborn. Girlfriend suffered post-partum depression and was killed in a car accident.
  • His best friend is his sister. She’s dying of leukemia.
  • Donates most of his money to charities for cancer research to save his sister.
  • Never married.
  • Friends with actor River Phoenix. He died of a heroine overdose.
  • Turns down big roles if he believes the character is too violent.
  • Took a 90% pay cut for his work in The Replacements (2000) so Gene Hackman could be cast.
  • Owns a house in Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island BC, Canada and is reported to have said “I like your chicken” to an employee at the local grocery store.

that is the most depressing thing i’ve ever seen

to make him seem not so pitiful:

wow… just gained a lot of respect for him

wow man , just a reminder that someone somewhere has it worse than u in some form or another

How does “* Dropped out of high school to become an actor.” one of the saddest thing in his life?

He DID became a well know actor after all.

g i dont know . look at the rest of the stuff thats on his back

Are yah serious? Having your daughter and your girlfriend die, having your sister be diagnosed with leukemia and your father never be in your life? There are more important things than fame.

Quoted for misreading the post and overreacting.

I did misread the post… but you get the point

No not really :lol

pretty sad. a guy who seems to the public eye to have everything sadly has nothing

Well obliviously I am talking about that one line I quoted.

I think it’s because he’s criticized a lot for supposedly being a poor actor. We’ve all heard the Keanu jokes.

As bad as Keanu is, this guy makes him look like Deniro


Dude who the fuck cares, go cry us a river.


hey… take it easy breahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh