Keith Olbermann Out at MSNBC

Damn. Not I have to watch Maddow? :tdown:

NBC said the donations violated a policy that requires employees of the news organization to obtain permission ahead of any political donations or activities that could be deemed as a conflict of interest.

Conflict of interest? lol, who didn’t know he was a liberal or that MSNBC was pro-democrat? How is it a conflict of interest to give money to Democrats (who then come on your show) that was originally paid to you by a left-leaning news organization?

I think MSNBC just shot themselves in the foot since this was their highest rated show. Olbermann will just find another gig at the Huff-Po or other liberal blog. Or maybe CNN will bring him on and bring back Cross-Fire… I can only hope :frowning:

yeah that’s a silly move…

i don’t get nbc so i’ve never seen his program… just clips on youtube.

Not NBC, MSNBC. You should get it just like Fox and CNN since it’s a cable channel.

nah i dont get cnn either…lol

Oh, I knew I watched CNN up there but that was at your mom’s house.

They’re putting the Ed show in his time slot. I watched the first episode of that show and couldn’t stand it. The guy was obviously gunning to be the far left version of Limbaugh. It was like giving Michael Moore a talk show.

:bigtdown: If Fox News fired everyone that ever donated to a Republican I’m not sure who they’d be left with, maybe Greta van Susteren?