Kelsey, The 350z Race Car

man i love those hood pins, anyone kno where i could pick up a set?

The Z looks much better now.

“aerocatch” hood pins.

We sell Aerocatch, 80$ for a pair of the non locking latches,

PM me for details

sick paint job sasha… what are the plans for this puppy? is there a topic somewhere?

Car looks good Sasha, but I’m just curious as to why you didn’t fill in the antenna hole before painting? Are you putting one back in for any particular reason, or is it going to be covered by vinyl or something?

I was thinking about covering it, but to be honest I didn’t do any body work. Just sanded it really really well with 240 a few times then 320 once and off to the paint booth. I don’t like the idea of bondo or fiberglass because you get nudged a bit and rather than metal jsut bending a slight bit and not beign very noticeable, you now have the bondo flaking off - taking the paint with it.

Whether or not it will be covered in vinyl is hard to say, hopefully! haha

under hood pics plez

lol Makes sense, I would’ve thought at least weld a patch in, but shrugs it’s a race car, no need to make more work. Just slap a sticker over it and fahgeddaboudit.

You need to invest in one of these bad boys:


had a regional race a few weeks ago

1st and 2nd in the two races

car is coming along well, leaving for our first pro race tommorow omg!

fuckin sick boys

here are some misc pics and vids

<object width=“425” height=“344”><param name=“movie” value=“”></param><embed src=“” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=“425” height=“344”></embed></object>

(someone make the link work?)

pit stop practice

heres the link…

fucking wicked. who got out and go junped in on the first stop?

i got out and andrew jumped in

he is co-driving with me in the 2.5hr race this weekend, koni challenge is always done with 2 drivers

andrew is the dude i raced speed world challenge with, great driver and really smart dude

god that is sooo fucking badass…

like i sorta want to make fun of you for rounding up a half dozen guys, dressing like that and hanging out in the parking lot doing weird shit…

but fukk… practicing pit stops is a whole other level of awesomeness

what is the dude doing before he wipes the windshield?

looks like he’s practicing pushing groupies off the hood of the car that hop the wall into the pit lane.


but seriously, thats bad ass if you gotta practice pushin away the groupies cuz theres so many lol,

awesome car man, looks hot!!! gl with your next race!!

That is so crazy, Is the liscence plate a joke, or you actualy drive that monster on the road?

Haha, funny Bing… he is cleaning rubber debris and any garbage that would be stuck on the cooling and brake duct screens.

I’m pretty sure that’s what he was doing… been a while since I watched the video.

Wow the car looks gorgeous in red.