Ken Block Subaru / Gymkhana Vids! *New 2.1 Vid*

That is badass

WTT: 2002 M3 for STI.

Holy fucking gettin it.

Yeaaaaa i want a 530hp sti now

that was insane

what everyone else said…pure effin sex.

Loved it, especially the segway part.

nice post

lol I showed some guys at work the video on the 65 inch aquos we have in one of our demo area’s and they were all like “whooooa” :rofl:

I was gonna post this vid when I saw from another site.

Bigger picture for those who care.

God damn. Driver Mod ftw.

I wonder how much practice that took. Pure secks.

Dude… That was fucking sick!

i love the forward moving axes spins

The drift at around the 3 min mark gets me every time sliding backwards 4 tires spinning forward within inches of the cone. Infuckingsain i want to shack his hand for it LOL.

i just blew my load so hard

Gymkhana is stupid as hell but that video is amazing!!!

i’ve never done it, but it seems like it would be hella fun

EDIT: NM, searched it, usually done in VERY small parking lots, seems lame

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That was the best video I’ve ever seen

totally awesome

It’s El Toro Airfield (in So. Cal). He rented it for the filming which took two days.

"How long did it take to film this segment?

It took two days. There was some down time for shot setups, tire rotation and remounting, plus some time for repairs (I hit a few things)."

the car just sounds fucking amazing I love it