wow he almost got ran over
wow he almost got ran over
That go-cart was pretty tame though. Would have been sweet with someone skilled in a shifter cart
Lol wow… i thought he was going to be being scrapped up off the road for a second.
LOL. Awesome.
lol, fixed.
i was just saying this today
the episode is on right now.
so funny:rofl:
oh dip it’s on right now. Like RIGHT now.
EDIT: annnnnd gone.
lol juat?
HAHA Nice.
Edit: Why the fuck cant we have an embedded code haha
prettty sweet.
Rob fucked up on that first slide, that was a close call!
Great video :tup:
haha robs insane!
Dyrdek seems to have more money then sense, sometimes…
Lol, sometimes?
Guy is hosed.
…all the time. pretty cool clip though