that sounds like something that would happen to me
that sounds like something that would happen to me
There is a kid in my class who farts every day, and then asks “sorry, did you guys smell that”.
too much mighty taco
Sounds like he was being disruptive in class, deserves what he got.
If you have to fart, walk to the bathroom.
Seriously. I fart all the time at work, but walk to the mens room and let em rip.
Like like you can make gas on purpose to be disruptive.
I’m also assuming that kid was also being disruptive in other ways, and was his last warning. But why not suspend him for talking out of turn, or something to that extent?
I get gas from… everything.
Anything I eat, anything I drink.
I swallow air like a motherfucker or something.
and if I don’t fart that shit for a while, I look like im pregnant and get a horrible stomachache.
Does that mean I need to be fired from my job because I fart like hell while I’m welding?
Or disciplined?
Since… that’s what that’s teaching the kids…
You fart = You get in trouble.
Hell, next thing you know the kids parents will be getting in trouble for feeding him gassy foods that did it to him.
I’m starting to dislike this “system”