Kid Pees on a Ferrari *vid

I can’t wait to see the next YouTube vid…

“Some dudes peeing on the dude that pee’d on the Ferrari”

It’s funny at the end when the camera guy is trying to be funny and says “You should give the ferrari the goat!” and his friend is like “Uh, Why?!”

That’s bullshit, he definitely deserves whatever they dish out.


If I saw that shit going on I would punch him square in the face. That is exactly the reason people cant have nice things. I dont care what kind of car it is; it’s disrespecting someones property.

Yeah broski, let’s piss on cars.

Exactly, if I saw someone do that to my car or someone’s car on this forum (let alone a Ferrari) I would be furious and start a manhunt too. If nothing else was accomlished it would teach that person a lesson and hopefully make someone else think twice before doing the same.




Prankster turns himself in after urinating on Ferrari
Posted By Tiffany Mayer, Standard Staff
Updated 35 mins ago

A Niagara-on-the-Lake teen who caused an uproar among Ferrari fans and owners for what some feel was a yellow act has been slapped with a $365 fine for urinating in public.

Niagara Regional Police spokeswoman Const. Jacquie Forgeron said the teen turned himself in to police Thursday after he was captured on camera urinating on a Ferrari that was left in the Pen Centre parking lot last weekend, then laughing about it with his friends.

Forgeron said the prank was originally posted Tuesday on Someone scooped it and posted it on YouTube, where views and reaction exploded.

By Thursday afternoon, the clip had been watched nearly 11,000 times and set off a steady stream of comments, including insults and threats against the teen.

The 19-year-old’s personal information, including his birthdate, place of employment, boss’s home phone number and details about a wedding he is expected to attend later this month also surfaced in the Internet chat room, where some writers suggested a manhunt for the teen.

“He’s shocked it happened,” Forgeron said.

Forgeron added the teen told police he would like to apologize to the Ferrari’s owner and offer to wash the car, a 360 Spider, which ran for about $193,000 when it was in production between 2000 and 2005.

“He appeared very, genuinely remorseful,” she said. “He thought it was funny at the time, but it clearly got away from him.”

The teen could not be reached for comment Thursday.

The incident hasn’t put a damper on a Ferrari rally scheduled to take place in Niagara Friday.

About 100 Ferraris, some from as far away as California, will be Niagara-bound for the rally, a pleasure drive through the region, an exclusive lunch and wine-tasting at Vineland Estates Winery and high tea in Niagara-on-the-Lake.


Rally organizer Bill Coutts said the gathering is one of many happening this week in and around Toronto as part of the Ferrari Club of America’s annual international meet.

Coutts heard about the incident at the Pen Centre, but said he didn’t think many in the group visiting Niagara had. And rather than get angry and encourage revenge, he said, some have simply laughed off the prank.

“Nobody deserves to have their car peed on, but you need to put it in perspective and ask how serious it is,” Coutts said. “To me, it’s not worth making a big deal.”

As for the online comments, he said they may not be coming just from Ferrari owners, but also young kids or fans who like to take pictures of the luxury sports car — what Coutts called the “paparazzi for Ferraris.”

its just kinda funny this comes out just before a big ferrari meet in the area lol

Hah, awesome internet justice.

It would be funny if it was a 5 yr old doing it to his dads 360 not knowing any better, but a 20 something is a little immature.

Oh my, his collar is POPPED.


reminds me when I ppissed all over Xanders WRX cuz it was slow…haha

Shredd and Ragan talked to the camera man (he sucks really bad)

Friday 7/11 show during hour one has the audio

hey did this meet already happen… id like to walk around and just drool over some cars

who leaves a ferrari 360 parking in the middle of a parking lot at night?

am i the only one that found some humor in this choice of words?

and this story made the buffalo news too a couple days ago, lol.