Kimbo vs . . .

i dont even know what to say!:thankyou:

HAHAHA! look at his method of winning

EDIT: it keeps getting changed. lol. silly wiki

MAUAAAAHAHAHAHA Kimbo got beat the fuck down!!!

Kimbo just set sail on the failboat

Kimbo got owned by a dude with pink hair! goooo Smoothie King!

Not sure how long the link will last…but there it is

I just watched it like 4 times…omg he got rocked lmfao.

yea i watched it a few times. IMAGINE THAT; kimbo vs someone who is a REAL and somewhat CURRENT mma fighter.

That’s all i wanted to see, and it happened exactly as i figured it would.

Could not have said it any better myself sir.

Kimbo vs an average light heavyweight (205 lbs)

He got hit with a jab on the chin. The odds had to be crazy.

Edit: no bets I guess

In a street fight, kimbo would have bodied.

from that article.

It was unclear how the stunning Kimbo Slice defeat would impact CBS and its Elite XC, which has banked its product almost exclusively on Slice and his YouTube appeal.

can i say again?? Publicity Stunt.

To have your biggest draw lose?


to bring him in ,in the first place.

I find it humorous that every MMA site online has been updated except Elite XC’s site. lol

who cares, slice is a fucking bum, as i’ve said from the very beginning. im glad he lost so everyone can stop caring.

its hard to tell but it looked like when he ducked he took a toe right in the eye. icould be wrong. thats why his eye itself was bleeding. maybe the other wound over his eye was after he was on the ground.

link to working vid

Every fighter loses, I hope this loss lets him not be seen as some MMA demi-god and just like every other guy there who is doing his job. I also think he took the loss with stride. I was half expecting him to kill the ref and just keep going but he even tried to encourage the crowd to support the guy after an awesome win.

better yet, did anyone see his pre-fight interview?

“How do you feel about fighting someone other than shamrock?”
“Its a fight”

“How has this effected you mentally in your preperation for this fight?”
“It is what it is”

“Thanks kimbo, goodluck in your fight tonight.”
“thats whats good”

lol, what makes him a bum? his 3 and 0 record before that rediculious fight last night? The fact that hes a great fighter? His massive amounts of money? or the fact that he worked for a porn company for years with a bunch of beautiful hookers surrounding him day after day? Sounds like a huge bum to me… :gotme: