kingsario's first kill of the year......Viper anyone?

Haha mark i just like busting your balls :slight_smile: Let’s make this race happen so i can bust out my new camcorder. :tup: :smiley:

haha i was waiting for an answer to your Q as well

you’ve never just dicked around with another car? I’ve had stupid things try to race me before and i didnt bother going balls out.

Dicked around at those speeds? :lol:


the civic being fast at anything below 60? NUKKA PLEASE :lol:

thats why these fagmos only race on the highway or the track, since the only low end traction they’ll ever see is with slicks at the track :stuck_out_tongue:

me bad nugga…i just dont see a civic be stable at 150+ but thats only an opinion…dont matter…

Yeah, i’ve dicked around - when i knew I would rape them.

let them go - let off gas, BOOOOOOST, let go, whatever, then eventually just maintain that I have a faster car.

Not race - and keep 1 car back then let go and not concede a win.

yea wtf lol if your gona just “play with someone” u don’t end up going THAT fast in the process

Why not? I have driven that fast just to keep up with someone that thought they were fast(er)…no reason going balls out when you dont have to.

Does anyone here know exactly how far they have to press their gas-pedal in order to reach 100% WOT anyway? “Floored” doesn’t always equal “pedal on the floor.”

to 120+?

even to 140…who cares…just becuase someone is driving at very high speeds…just like crotch rockets…just becuase rider “A” is riding at 130mph and rider “B” is behind them following doesnt mean they are racing or either one is balls to the wall…same concept.

no my point was yes, i can see what your saying, but i’ve never thought of continuing to “chase” them to that high of a speed, thats all.

Cruising at 100+ anywhere around here isn’t the greatest idea…now if you were in Florida or any where else down south id be all for it.

more stable than you think,

I have driven vipers less not even talk about stability and finesse

I know one way we can settle this…

sorry kids I haven’t been online more but some of us have real jobs. If we gonna do this it’s gotta be towards the end of the week, me tired from long days of work. I don’t have the ambition to go jump in my car to go race someone. I’ll PM you when and where.

Hmm, fascinating topic.

well when ever this does end up happening it will be fun to watch. cant wait to see the vids.

gl to the both of you but i will agree 150+ does kind of sound stupid fast to be racing at.

i hear a CALL OUT