Know about player pianos?

Well the old guy that lived here left it in the garage, said it needed “tubes” or something. I have no idea, and no interest in restoring this thing. Just wondering if anyone here or their mother’s brother’s uncle Joe maybe? I will get some pics of it tomorrow if anyone was interested. It does look pretty beat to me, again I know nothing about them.

I’m expecting a good pawn stars joke out of this thread.

set it on fire and watch the fucker burn

Are open bonfires illegal? lol There is a bunch of crap behind the garage too.

as far as i know they are. my dad can get away with it at his home in PA, but not at his shop in NY.

i thought any kind of hillbilly activities were legal in cobleskill

lol i dunno about Cobelskill, my dad lives in Windsor, near Binghamton.

you can burn stuff red. i burn shit at my house all the time.

serious … if it has any tube amp chassis or parts/ speakers, carefully remove them and ill buy em, scrap the wood.