Know anything about RealtyUSA?

I’m buying a house and my realtor has proven herself over and over to be absolutely useless. If it weren’t for the fact that I started this process even more young and ignorant than I am now I wouldn’t even have a “buyer’s” realtor in the first place.

Aside from being useless, I also think she’s a liar and I’m wondering if anyone can confirm this for me. She has told me during the negotiations that I can trust her because she doesn’t care how much the house sells for.

Also, First Priority is Realty USA’s mortgage company. They’re the same company so I assume there is some incentive/motivation for the realtors to get the purchasers to use First Priority. She told me that it doesn’t matter to her who I go through, and then spewed some bullshit about her morals and experience. She has certainly been awfully aggressive in pressuring me to use First Priority though…

Doesn’t a buying realtor work on a percentage based commission, like a selling realtor?

Don’t Realty USA realtors get some sort of kick-back if they get purchasers to use First Priority?

The buyer and seller agent and company split the 6 or 7%.
In other words if you buy a house listed by Century 21 and use a Realty USA buyer agent then Century 21 and Realty USA split the 6 or 7%.
The agents then receive their cut from that.
They like you to buy a house they have listed because their company makes more money then.

Edit; As far as mortages goes, borrow from an institution you have heard of.
I know someone that got a great rate from a company they new nothing about. The company just took his house! He went broke paying for lawyers.

:tup: for knowing that it’s a REALTOR, not a REALITOR. Listen carefully, and see if they pronounce it correctly. Many realtors call themselves real-i-tors. :roll: It has 2 syllables, not 3.

In my opinion, feel free to tell her what you think. What’s the worst that could happen?

If you want a recommendation on an excellent real estate agent, that did an excellent job with getting my houses, as well as a few of my friends, PM me.

Thanks for the words of advice. I’ve got a good mortgage broker. A personal friend is a financial advisor, and he recommended a mortgage broker to me who waved some fees because I know his buddy (the financial advisor) and has been a pleasure to work with all around. It’s been a pleasure working with my lawyer too, and the home inspector was a good guy. So basically everyone involved has done their job well, except this one useless, manipulative, lying broad. I won’t broadcast the name on the internet…

Pumice, yeah I left her a message today sternly telling her I am not interested in seeing a good faith estimate from First Priority. I also explained that I did not go directly to the selling realtor for something we were discussing, I had voice-mailed her first, got no response “as has been the case every time I asked you to get information for me” and then went to the selling realtor.

If I had anything to gain I’d go to the office manager and get her kicked off the case, but at this point all that’s left is closing so she really serves no purpose anymore and it would just be a pain in the ass and waste of my time since I would gain nothing personally.

Please continue to throw real estate knowledge and intelligent opinions at me. I want to be armed with all the knowledge I can in case I get into it with her…

Buyers agents do split the comission on the sale, so it doesnt cost you anything as a buyer to use a agent.

If your unhappy with your buyers agent you can drop them at anytime from what I understand, only the sellers sign term contracts.

My Mom is a excellent agent, she has helped many of my friends get houses and you can ask them how professional and knowledgeable she is. Halas & xander have both used her, and myself. She has been doing this for 20 yrs. She wouldnt pressure you into anything , I feel sorry for you that you have to deal with that.

She works for Hunt in the Hamburg office, call 648-2300 ask for Diane.

The deal is just about done now so it wouldn’t do any good for me to call her now. Truth be told I don’t even need an agent at this point.

Give your mom a big :tup: from me for being a true professional. That would have made this whole thing a whole lot more pleasant and less stressful. If she wants to know about a nice little ranch in a real nice neighborhood in Hamburg that is going to be for sale by owner in about a week, I’ll get the OK from my fiance’s newly-wed mother and shoot you a PM with the addy before it goes up for sale. :snky:

Sounds good, good luck with your new home!