Kplayground 2010 Shannonville Track Schedule!!

Kplayground 2010 Shannonville Full Track Schedule .

NOTE: All inquiries please email for details.

NEW: Please come join us on FACEBOOK:

Track 1 – Sunday April 11 2010 Full Track 1pm to 5pm

Track 2 -Sunday May 16 2010 Full Track 6:00pm to Dusk

Track 3- Sunday May 30 2010 Full Track 6:00pm to Dusk

Track 4- Sunday June 13 2010 Full Track 5:30pm to 8:30pm

Track 5- Thursday July 1 2010 Canada Day Full Track 5:30pm to 8:30pm

Track 6- Sunday July 18 2010 Full Track 6:00pm to 9:00pm

Track 7 - Monday August 2 2010 Civic Holiday Full Track 5:30pm to 8:30pm

Track 8 – Sunday August 22 2010 Full Track 5:30pm to 8:30pm

Track 9 - Monday September 6 2010 Labour Day Full Track 5:30pm to Dusk

Prepaid Price $75
Walk In Price $100

***Off Season Track Schedule for October and November 2010 will be posted later on.***
