Kramerbutts lika da way mya dick taste...

^still havent seen that movie yet. i’m reluctant to because i hate most of will ferrell’s new movies (taledaga, blades of fail, etc.)

My brother and his wife hate Will Farrell with a passion so you aren’t the only one. I actually think his movies are pretty damn funny. Step Brothers and Taledaga would be the only two I’d watch again/buy.

I thought stepbrothers was funny and so was taladega nights

I would neg rep you right in the face if I could.



old school>anchorman>wedding crashers>zoolander>elf>all of his newer shit (that i’ve seen so far)

that just happened.

+rep for making me spit my drink out.

Oh crap, I forgot about all those. Never seen Elf or Zoolander but the others were pretty good.

“I uhh don’t know how to tell you this but uhh…I"m kind of a big deal.”

elf and zoolander are two of my favorite movies

Elf sucked IMO

Step Brothers>Elf

just added step brothers to my netflix list dealio, guess it’s worth a shot lol

“remember when we got in trouble in school for playing with matchbox cars… whos retarted now?!”

you are dead to me

im gonna rub my nutsack on your drumset

talledaga nights and blades of glory are two of the worst movies i’ve ever seen in my life. let alone will ferrell movies :gtfo

and yes, i do like the way youra dick taste (brett, i assume?)

Nope, it was me. From now on, every time I see an off topic post that brings the whole topic off topic, I’m going to title the thread " __________ lika day way mya dick taste."

even better :shifty

btw what thread did this come out of? :lol

I didnt like talledaga nigts… but I watched it by myself. If you don’t like blades of glory, but you find tourettes guy quotes funny… you should seriously end your life.


jesus christ you’re all over the place man u dont even know where you are posting

i dont remember much of blades of glory but i remember it wasn’t all that funny
