Kubg Hei Fat Choi

Happy Chinese new year everyone!
have a great and very lucky year =D

Sadly, I don’t follow the tradition anymore. I’m too whitewashed :stuck_out_tongue:

But hey, Happy Chinese New Years to all the Chinese or anyone that celebrates Chinese cultures for that matter…

I’m with david. But i still like money

well at least I still celebrate it … ****ing whiteys

Happy Chinese new year

Gon hit fat chik everyone!

you Fu Kin guy

its just another day to me, like i care if its new years, the money never was significant for me anyway

oh and david, im prolly more white washed than you are hahahaha

what a bunch of round eyes

rabbit: fix your eyes

rabbit, another asian comment and imma smack you up buddy

asians ftl

your getting curbstomped, whitewashed asian style