Kustom Workz Short Bus...

Actually, its brilliant. It gets people talking about them, just like we all are now in this thread.

The blue vinyl name looks like crap. Why not red? Yellow? Something that at least somewhat matches the paint?!

PS - I wish I was allowed to comment on spelling.

yea, Dave and Chris at kw are a couple of great guys all around. I think alot of people look at their method of advertisment as just being flashy and showing off, but it works. shouldnt hate on then for tryin to do biz.

You are ABSOLUTELY correct in this.

I don’t know why there is all the hate. Yeah, I don’t have much respect for someone who’s “Daddy” gives him $$ for stuff, but hey, you win some, you lose some.

You do have to give him credit for the originality. I think its kind of cool…

i talked to penfield or penfold or w/e his name was at that cavalcade of cars. I asked him if he was interested in any high end parts for his skyline. his response?

“why would someone like you have a skyline engine?”


i was kind of pissed off, but w/e. he is aiman-ish, but i think underneath he is a nice guy…

i just bought that camera off of ebay the other day. heard some pretty good things about it.

sometimes mike can be hard to understand…the way things come out of his mouth…99.9% of the time he is foolin around…be he doesnt understand how it comes out…i myself take things sometime literal but then have to rethink what happened and its noramlly me laughin about it all…mike in now way would put anyone down because they cant afford something or dont have the nicest stuff…the guy would give u the shirt off his back if u needed it! wether its his parents money or not, at least he is doin something decent and productive with it, like employing 14 people and running a killa business…2 yrs and running!

I’ve only met a few of the Kustom Workz guys, but they have all been really nice and friendly. I give credit where credit is due. :tup:

Regardless of how nice and cool and how much rubicant wants to swing from their nutsack, that bus is a very good idea for marketing.

WHO CARES if he seemed like an aiman. He owns and runs his own company and you work for someone else.

Again - " Jealously and envy are a DUMB one’s tools" - Slick Rick

I would, because aiman was a douchebag.

Do they want to tow a racecar with it?

Opinions are like assholes. Maybe he was, and maybe he wasn’t. Seemed pretty decent the few times I meet him. He just had a distorted view of fast and his Audi. Which everyone likes to think they have the fastest car out there. I will say that MANY PEOPLE DID TAKE ADVANTAGE OF AIMAN AND HIS GENEROSITY and those are the same people who talk shit about him now

Agreed, Mike is by far one of the most generous and kind people i have met, he likes to have fun and that means different things to different people. I bet you all he gives more to charity in one year than most on here make. My point is that I will and do 100% endorse these guys as I have worked with every one of them at some point or another. Not only are they professional but they do amazing work.

That aside I will tell you all who dont know Mike for the good hearted person he is, money or not, mike would be the same person who would go out of his way for a friend in need or someone less fortunate, even if he doesnt really know them. Mike needs only to ask me for something and I would back him up.

So who else went deaf in the short bus? :wave:

Ugly as fuck (but thats what buses are)

I am sure as hell I would drive that around like nobodies bussiness
Would be awesome for road trips

They should boost it, if its diesel :smiley:
Good way to grab attention I just wish it wasnt spelled with a k.

or a z at the end. its really the only gripe i have with the place. i have never been there, and deez (andy) works there now. always liked that kid. one of the guys from kustom works bought walkers old gli, and walker said the dude was cool as hell. eh whatevs…

Do you even know what your talking about?

I have bought stuff from there, and they are pretty friendly and helpful. :tup:


I think some people believe him when he claims his parents buy him all that shit.