Found this super sick 95 civic over the interwebz.
Found this super sick 95 civic over the interwebz.
Oh my god SO FUCKING GAY!!!
That thing could possibly be pushing some serious ponies
wtf guys. Thats my daily driver. Some of you guys here are huge pricks.
if the car ever rolled = instant death.
and i would be there laughing at him
Then you sir need a new daily driver.
Righhttt back atcha! ziiiing. :banana
supringly it doesnt look to bad as a convertable
i think it is the most hideous thing in the world t couldve been done way better… it just looks like sh*t!
Read up. I got one. ziiiiing!
GTFO that thing is siccckkkkkkkk!!! :excited
It gets the bitches.
Sure theyre fat and look like trolls but I guess its ok if youre into that.
oh my god.
i just had my Grilled samon come up
She is the absolute WRONG person to be next to a car, altho she goes good with this car, there both ugly.
looks like someone sawed the top off the car with a butter knife :ninja
what a waste of time.
omfg hahaha
its so fuckin gay its funny as hell cuz i dont know how else to re act
looks like a del sol…
also, she looks hungry. Did she eat the roof?