lady gaga has a dick

Blah, blah, blah.
Google says…

nicole… would you rock her?

I’m sorry sir, I’m not familiar with the meaning of that expression.

Ok, would you let lady gaga stick her penis into your vagina?

Nah, I’m not really into blondes.

I see I see

this solves nothing. u failed harder than travis :Idiots

If you read it explains the different kinds, but I forgot you can’t read.

yes but it doesnt say what they can and can not have.


It explains that one has girl insides and boy outsides and looks like a girl - I’m guessing that’s what her deal is?

I wonder if she has ever tried to fuck herself?

Im sure the paris hilton & lady gaga sex tape will be coming out soon

omg!!! i know this but no where does it sa u can have a pussy and a dick which is what they are claiming she has.

thats what im saying.

Ok IDK how true this is but I was once told that in development the fetus basically starts out as a hemaphrodite. At a certain point the penis either stops growing and becomes a clit and the testes change to ovaries and the balls sac forms the labia or that stuff develops into a penis and balls. Basically a clit is a penis head. I what i heard.

Anyone know anything about fetal development?

You can have an enlarged clit, and she says “I only have a bit of a penis” (:rofl) so I would assume it’s not a full on legit package.

That’s true.

it conceptually made sense to me. It also kind can help you viualize this situation if you were having trouble.

I wonder if Lady Gaga can have kids?

That website said most of them are infertile, so I mean if you have to be a chick with a penis at least you don’t have to deal with PMS on top of your life’s troubles.
