Lambo doors or not????

camaro doors are so big and heavy…not sure how they will look or operate. lambo doors getting played out???

i wouldn’t

Do it !!!

Just glad it is not a mustang :kekegay:

are you kidding?

you already fucked it up with those rims, might as well give it herpes while your at it

Honestly jeff i wouldnt do it to ur camaro. Will look gay. Just my opinion tho

you need to post more often you’ll catch on quick


I dont see any problem with his wheels. They look fine . And its his choice anyways. He asked your opinion on lambo doors nothing else.

suicide them instead

ur an idiot if u planned on doing shit like that u should have just went and bought a cavalier like sightnsound did. Domestic rice is just retarded. Also how the hell is a camaro door heavy when the damn thing is fiberglass? By the way did I mention ur an idiot :op:

I have never seen suicide doors on camaro. Probly done before but yea i have never seen it .

Its a muscle car. That shit doesn;t belong on muscle cars.

The idiot already has the ricer wheels on it so why not :greddy:


u are RICE

shouldnt own that car at all

Why cuz he DARES to be different??? Should he just buy the same wheels you have and leave the car stock?? WTF Point is that. Be different. Do whatever you like. Who’s names on the title??

hey dick, idk if u noticed, but he asked us his opinon, and i gave him mine, sooo u need to stfu…and since u dont konw me, at all, i dont even have the stock rims…

Ok dumbfuck. Read what i said. " should he buy the same wheels you have" Nothing about having stock wheels. And I didnt say i know you. And who the fuck says what Rice is. Everyone use’s that word like its in the bible. Oh my thats rice thats rice. Make up a new fuckin word dick