laptop hdd password.

Got a question for the uber geeks.

We got a gateway tablet pc into the shop today. The problem is when you boot it, it asks for the hdd password.

This is seperate from the bios password, and we can’t get into the bios at all anyways.

Pulling the drive out and formatting it won’t work because the password is in the drives firmware.

Any idea how to reset these things?

Its a hitachi 100gb sata drive fyi.


your dead.

ata3 level password is “just about” impossible to break.

The password is actually on the hard drive itself, in an area of the physical disk where normal ata requests cant access.

i will now sit back and listen to the people here say they can crack it.

my advise, ask the client to give you the password if not its a total loss.

other ideas are:

some hdd manufactires have “master passwords” which can be found on google. however, these passwords most if not all of the time dont work… these passwords are securly gaurded by some of the scariest NDA’s out there.

also if your client has the cash, you could outsource this out, companies (very very few) have the passwords you need, but wont give them to you.

maybe you can send it back to the manufacturer to be “fixed”?

Hehe yeah maybe.

I figured the password was kept in the hard drives firmware, not the drive itself, so zeroing it wouldn’t work.

If I put a different sata laptop hard drive in there, would it work fine?


Ya. that would be fine… new hdd ftw

if you sent it back to the manufacture…it gets technical.

and they wont give you data, they will give you a blank hdd.

To bad its not a toshiba…Holding the left shift key bypasses that HDD protection.


Thanks, i was all over that site this morning messing with it.

If you can’t figure this out…I will dedicate sometime and figure it out lol

myself and a team member was all over this for like a week straight.

i will write our testing procedures and research later on.

it was intense and we had to social engineer a little. but nobody will give on anything… the NDAs are INSANE, like take your house and kids insane

seriously it cant be done

Big fucking magnet?

Wouldn’t that eliminate the point?

well he mentioned a reformat so I assumed he wasnt against losing the contents of the drive.

Anything is possible :slight_smile:

send me a copy of your rainbow table…

thank you.

have a good day.

magnet, no - degausser, maybe.

[root@web2 src]# top

top - 15:33:08 up 113 days, 3:50, 4 users, load average: 0.88, 0.39, 0.14
Tasks: 114 total, 2 running, 112 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 0.0% us, 0.0% sy, 25.0% ni, 75.0% id, 0.0% wa, 0.0% hi, 0.0% si
Mem: 3108948k total, 2677032k used, 431916k free, 267208k buffers
Swap: 2031608k total, 0k used, 2031608k free, 2159892k cached

6264 root 39 19 5196 1496 1324 R 100 0.0 1:47.97 rtgen

root 6264 100 0.0 5196 1496 pts/2 RN 15:31 2:01 ./rtgen md5 alpha-numeric-symbol14-space 1 7 0 5400 67108864 0